You threw the bums a dime in your prime,
Didn't you?”
– Bob Dylan, “Like a Rolling Stone”
It’s been a month since the election of Donald J Trump to the Presidency and some of the whining, rioting and crying from the Left has subsided, but there still exists a perpetual seething from our fellow citizens and non-citizens alike who were supporters of anything “not Trump”. Campaigns have been waged, won and lost for 200 plus years now in the United States. Each time, excepting the Gore 2000 campaign, the loser accepted he had been beat and allowed for the winner to plan his upcoming administration. We now see a recount effort being conducted which all except the naive know will be unsuccessful, but is being done for spite. Losing hurts, but what makes this loss so hurtful such that the losers are acting as 4 year olds who have been told that there are “no more cookies”? Everyone has an opinion, but I’ll give my Top 3 reasons why this loss has been so difficult for SOME, not all, Democrats.
One of the biggest reasons the result was so very devastating for them was simply because they had already held the victory parade. Let’s face it, they looked like real chumps (to be kind) and they knew it. Take your pick from the list of sanctimonious jerks who were pre-gloating:
Seth Myers, Lady GaGa, the Young Turks, Stephen Colbert, Bill Maher, Beyonce, Jay-Z, the hags on the View, the Hillary campaign operatives spread throughout the TV and print media and lastly - and probably the most prominent – our dear friends on social media. Remember, up until about 9pm Eastern time on November 8, 2016, this was a Hillary landslide. Then the ball rolled through Buckner’s legs. D’oh!
The second reason this one felt like moose and squirrel had handed Hillary supporters a TNT bomb was that the stakes were so high. After 8 years of lurching far to the Left, growing and unionizing the Federal work force, stacking the Federal judiciary with fellow travelers, tilting the Supreme Court to the point that the Constitution would be moot, utilizing the Executive branch agencies to saddle unfavored industries in the private sector with one regulation after another and using those same agencies as coercive powers against political opponents – 2016 would be the final blow and political opposition would be dispatched to the nether lands. With Hillary’s election was the opportunity to cover up all the corruption, finish off the Supreme Court, wipe out the 2nd Amendment and change the rules of elections forever. The flipping of the Constitution would be complete. It was all there, 100 years of Progressivism started under Woodrow Wilson was about to be codified. However, losing the race would risk reversal of all that “progress”. As Maxwell Smart was wont to say as he held up his thumb and index finger to display a small, tiny gap, “Missed it by that much!”
Lastly, the one that truly hurts the most is that Democrats were beat at their own game. I do not believe they even understand this point because they have never had this wicked game played against them. Trump ran his campaign like a Democrat. It completely befuddled the Clinton campaign and the media which was acting as an arm of the Clinton campaign. Normally, the GOP fights by the Marquess of Queensbury Rules while the Democrats engage in a street fight. Let’s take a trip down memory lane to recall how Reagan was pro-AIDS in the 80’s, how George HW Bush didn’t understand how products with barcodes could be swiped at the check-out counter, how George W Bush was responsible for James Byrd, a black man, being dragged to his death behind a pickup truck by two racists in Texas, how Dan Rather fabricated a story of W avoiding the military draft, how black churches were being burned by Republican racists throughout the South during the 2004 Congressional campaign, how Candy Crowley interjected herself into a debate in 2012 to support Barack Obama’s false assertions – the list goes on.
In all these cases, the Democrats flung the spaghetti, the media supported it and the GOP did not fight back at the gutter level. This time, Trump would not play the game on defense and flung the spaghetti at Hillary. He knowingly dissembled. He insulted her personally, not just on policy. He dragged anyone associated with her into the mud, as well. He challenged her supporters’ patriotism, integrity and morals. He was downright nasty and smiled while doing it. For those of you who felt like targets of this nasty campaign, you now know how it has felt to not be a Democrat for the past 30 years during an election. He played their game and it does not feel good being the target of these tactics. So, please forgive me if I am not overflowing with sympathy. You’ve just been punked by a Democrat.
As Mr Zimmerman would add:
“How does it feel
How does it feel
To be on your own
With no direction home
A complete unknown
Like a rolling stone?”