Today's Inspirational Movie Quote from "Network":

"We'll tell you any shit you want to hear. We deal in illusions, man! None of it is true!" - Howard Beale

Monday, July 9, 2018

Crossroads, Seem to Come and Go

“Now I have come to the crossroads in my life. I always knew what the right path was. Without exception, I knew. But I never took it. You know why? It was too damn hard.”
– Lieutenant Colonel Frank Slade from “Scent of a Woman” as played by Al Pacino

These are indeed tough times for Democrats and my Left leaning acquaintances.  They have been experiencing a losing streak which makes Cleveland Browns’ fans feel good about their team’s prospects.  Initially, Democrats convinced themselves enough Americans would ignore the corruption and dishonesty of the worst Presidential candidate in history, but America was not “with HER”.  Strike One!  Then, they compounded their misfortune by throwing a two year temper tantrum – believing that such action would be appealing.  Strike Two!  Finally, they lose on almost every Supreme Court decision over the final two weeks of the term and Justice Kennedy retires.  Strike Three!   Despite being advised to stop digging their own graves, way too many of them have persisted to demonstrate with the unflattering emotion of children.  I do not have a lot of sympathy for them, but I do have empathy.

Why do I have empathy?  Well, people who did not vote for our current POTUS are not unique in experiencing electoral losses or the consequences that result from those losses.

For example, I was alarmed when the country elected Barack Obama in 2008 as I knew he lacked experience and was not the sweet talking middle of the road Democrat he pretended to be.  I was disheartened even more when, despite the economic evidence, he was re-elected.  I had thought the country might be able to survive 4 years of his policies, but unlikely to be breathing after 8 years.  The hits just kept on coming when Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, a strict constructional jurist on the Supreme Court, died unexpectedly in February of 2016.  The noise surrounding the 2016 Presidential election made the odds seem likely that a progressive jurist would be selected by a Democrat President as Scalia’s replacement.  This string of defeats was a nightmare for Conservatives like me as I feared the Court would become an irreversible political arm of the far Left progressives and leave the USA circling the drain.  While all of this fundamental transformation was transpiring from 2008 thru 2016, my friends on the Left were on a roll and expressed little concern for my marginalized political views.  After all, those of us on the Right were supposedly on the wrong side of history – so who cares?  This experience was truly depressing, but I didn’t knit myself a dickhat and organize a nationwide pity parade because that would be – CHILDISH.  To the many of you who bet on the wrong horse, I know how you feel today.  News flash:  Losing sucks!

That being said, I’m not writing to gloat, but send an alert that you have reached critical decision time.

I’ve attempted to talk to Democrat friends to help them understand the electoral dynamics in play, but they appear to be too consumed with hate to think rationally.  If Democrats believe the last two years have been traumatic, just hold your hat.  The Democrat Party is now being openly guided by radical socialists and this has become obvious to more than just Republicans.  Trust me, plenty of Democrats who put country ahead of party will crossover and vote Republican this November and again in 2020.  You don’t think the polling supports that assumption?  Well, maybe having thug mobs attacking anyone who disagrees with the Left might cause people not to answer poll questions honestly.  Remember, the polls on the morning of the election predicted that Hillary had a 98% chance of becoming President.  The polls must have missed something – possibly people not admitting how they planned to actually vote.

Over the past month, while the Left has ratcheted up the rhetoric on illegal immigration, aided by their cable network PR arms, Trump’s approval rating among Hispanics has risen by 10 points.  Given what we know about people fearful of admitting to leaning right, the actual support has probably grown by more than 10 points.  Why?  Because many Hispanics see themselves as hard working Americans who want to play by the rules and live safely – just like other groups of Americans.  They have little interest in being condescended to as some victim identity group.  They also do not want to consider the idea of living once again under the Socialism which has destroyed many countries to the south of our border.

Think about this paradox:

Democrats believe we should simply open our borders to allow in people who are seeking refuge from South and Central American countries due to how dangerous life is in those countries.  Those countries are dangerous because they have been ruled by Socialist policies, yet Democrats believe we should adopt Socialism for the USA?  Huh?  People are fleeing the results of those policies.  The most popular Democrat flavor of the month, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, is advocating the same socialist policies for the US which have magically turned pets into dinner in Venezuela.

Soon, the Democrat Party will only be comprised of old white liberals, activists who make a living out of stirring the pot and college kids who haven’t paid any bills.  Blacks, Asians and Hispanics are migrating to the party which offers economic opportunity.

You are at a crossroads, Democrats.  You better drag your party back towards the center or you just might disappear.  To do so, would require backing off the Nazi talk and the prognostications of apocalypse over every public policy change.  Knowing how much you adhere to these intellectually shallow tactics, the right path will be damn hard.

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